
SPB Mobile Shell 3.5.1 Beta is out - NOT THE PANEL

Rss feed for topic Other NewsOther News - Posted by: christian On 05-11-2009 @ 20:46 - Updated on: 05-11-2009 @ 23:22

Just a quick note that spb mobile shell 3.5.1 Beta has been released.

Thought maybe some people like this news since i've read many posts in my xda forum thread about people who are using spb mobile shell.
This is not about the panel since only 3.01 and the older one is available as a panel. There is also not a way to install this software along side the panel edition or upgrade the panel edition included in my rom with this file. It's just for the people who want to use the standalone edition.
I think this version is just the trail so you need to buy it if you want to use it after 14 days(I think it's 14 days but i'm not really sure).
For now here's the link and enjoy: Click Here


18-01-2012 - 11:44

There's a terrific amount of konlwdege in this article!